Thursday, August 30, 2018

Looking Ahead to the Week of September 4 (Double PE Week)

Open House:

Open House for second grade will be on Thursday, September 6 from 6:00-6:45.  I will cover class information and answer questions on this night.  I hope you can come!  However, if you are not able to attend I will send home the information packet with your student the next day.

Labor Day:

Students will not have school on Monday, September 3.  I look forward to hearing about their long weekend on Tuesday morning!


The only homework students have received so far is their Me Bag assignments.  Students will take home their first homework packet on Thursday, September 6.  At Open House that evening, I will review the format and expectations for our weekly homework packet.

Our SAIL Schedule for This Week:

Image result for sailboat clipart
Tuesday--PE (Please wear sneakers)
Thursday--PE (Please wear sneakers)

What are We Learning This Week?:

Math--Topic 1 Envisions--Please see the family letter below: (Test 9/7)
ELA--David's New Friend; Long a; Characters/setting; Story structure; ABC order, Narrative writing
Unit of Study--Matter (solids and liquids); Dr. Doug Being Here Experience 9/4 at 9:00

September Birthdays:

Image result for happy birthday
September 16: Melody
September 23: Sariah

Lifelong Guidelines:

During our morning meetings this week, we will be reading about the following Lifelong Guidelines and discussing how we can use these social skills on a daily basis:

ô€€€ Trustworthiness
ô€€€ Truthfulness
ô€€€ Active Listening
ô€€€ No Put Downs

ô€€€ Personal Best